Best weight loss idea and solution for your new year Transformation

"New year, new you."

After christmas, New year and other celebrations, now is the time to change yourself

At least, that's what we all hear each time the calendar flips back to January. When making those New Year's resolutions, the top most common promises we make to ourselves center around weight loss, the gym and fitness.

While there is nothing wrong with aiming for a healthier lifestyle in 2024, it's easy to fall victim to a mindset that focuses more heavily on how you look than how you feel. Fad diets, overly strict eating regimens and intense workout routines are appealing to us in the short term but can quickly lead to burnout, a loss of interest and even unhealthy habits

In fact, a study published in the medical journal The BMJ in 2020 found that weight-loss diets are generally ineffective in the long term, with most of the weight lost by participants having been regained within one year.

The study followed 22,000 overweight or obese adults on 14 of the most popular diets including the Atkins diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and the Mediterranean diet, for an average of six months.

At the initial six-month mark, some health parameters like weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol had improved in most participants, but these positive effects were all but gone by the 12-month mark (except for the Medditerarian diet, which showed persistent improvements in cholesterol.)

It's tempting to commit to the idea of a fast-acting diet to transform our bodies in the new year, but keeping a skeptical mind can help weed through the short-term solutions and find something that will ultimately work better for you.



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